Eight companies offer eight opportunities at one online event on September 10

If you were not able to participate, a recording of the conference (1.5 hours) has been posted on YouTube:


Alternatively, the short presentations of the 8 companies are listed below: 

Aduro Energy Inc. / Dimension Five Technologies Inc.


Arctic Star Exploration Corp. 


Ares Strategic Mining Inc. 


Commerce Resources Corp. 


Core Assets Corp.


Emerita Resources Corp. 


Saville Resources Inc. 


Zinc8 Energy Solutions Inc. 



I would like to invite you to attend the next in our series of ´Zoom with Zimtu Presents´ investor presentations and meet the team from Zimtu Capital.

We´ll arrange the presentation as a Meeting of the Board, where Zimtu shareholders and others are welcome to observe and ask questions. Stephan Bogner from Rockstone Research will also say a few words.  

Date: Thursday September 10th, 2020

Time: 8AM Vancouver (PDT), 11AM Toronto (EDT), 5PM Frankfurt (CEST)

This is an excellent opportunity for shareholders and interested investors to meet the Zimtu Team of companies and management.

Also, our ´live studio audience´ will include representatives from the following equity holdings:

Arctic Star Exploration, 604 689 1799
Ares Strategic Mining, 604 345 1576
Commerce Resources, 604 484 2700
Dimension Five Technologies, 604 681 1568
Emerita Resources, 416 861 2269
Saville Resources, 604 681 1568
Zinc8 Energy Solutions, 604 558 1406 

and the newest addition to the Zimtu family, Core Assets, which began trading on the Canadian Securities Exchange under the trading symbol ´CC´ this July.

One click you´re in! 

On Thursday September 10th, click on the link below (and if prompted enter the Meeting ID: 868 2490 1684 and Meeting Passcode: 679221):

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       833 548 0276 US Toll-free

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Meeting ID: 868 2490 1684

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RSVP to Michael at if you wish to attend. If you have a specific question you would like to be addressed to either Zimtu or any of the participating companies you can send it to Michael.

Meet the Zimtu teams: Eight companies offer eight opportunities at one online event on September 10

by Greg Klein | September 3, 2020

Eight companies offer eight opportunities at one online event

Their projects span early exploration to advanced development. Their goals include base, precious and critical minerals, but also extend to technology and energy. A wide range of potential comes to the fore on September 10, when Zimtu Capital TSXV:ZC presents a Zoom conference highlighting eight of its colleague companies.

Arctic Star Exploration TSXV:ADD

Promising geology and proven methodology will come together at Arctic Star Exploration’s (TSXV:ADD) Diagras project in the Northwest Territories’ diamondiferous Lac de Gras region. Currently holding 40% of a joint venture, the company intends to assume operation and increase its ownership when spring offers optimum work conditions.

In addition to drilling, Arctic Star’s plans include gravity and electromagnetic surveys on seven of the property’s 21 known kimberlites. The gravity/EM approach follows that of Kennady Diamonds, which successfully employed the methodology on its Kennady North project two kilometres away. In 2018 Kennady North was acquired by Mountain Province Diamonds TSX:MPVD, De Beers’ JV partner on the adjacent Gahcho Kué mine. Gravity and EM have so far found five drill targets at Diagras.

Arctic Star’s 100%-held Timantti diamond project in Finland hosts nine known diamondiferous kimberlites. With some 150 kilograms of samples ready for processing, ground work is expected to resume once pandemic conditions allow.

Read more about Arctic Star Exploration.

Ares Strategic Mining TSXV:ARS

Eight companies offer eight opportunities at one online event
Once re-opened, Lost Sheep will be America’s only producing fluorspar mine.
The U.S. currently imports its entire supply of this critical mineral but Ares Strategic Mining TSXV:ARS plans to change that soon by opening the country’s only fluorspar operation. Production at Utah’s Lost Sheep mine could begin this autumn without de-risking through successive PEA and feasibility studies, but with the apparent confidence of the Mujim Group. The multinational fluorspar mining and distribution company visited the property earlier this year prior to buying a 9% stake in Ares.

Three of five exploration holes found visible fluorspar, while assays have just been released from 12 holes totalling 900 metres of delineation drilling. Results show high grades over wide intervals from near-surface and at-surface intercepts. Metallurgical tests have upgraded Lost Sheep material above 97% CaF2, achieving the level of higher-priced acidspar.

Ares also holds the Liard fluorspar project in northern British Columbia. Seven areas of the highway-accessible 476-hectare property host historic, non-43-101 estimates.

Read more about Ares Strategic Mining. 

Commerce Resources TSXV:CCE

Eight companies offer eight opportunities at one online event
Well-understood host minerals, distribution of magnet feed elements and a friendly jurisdiction distinguish Commerce Resources’ RE-fluorspar project.

Few if any elements dominate concern about critical minerals like rare earths. That places all the more focus on Commerce Resources’ (TSXV:CCE) Ashram deposit, an advanced-stage Quebec project that also hosts one of the world’s largest fluorspar resources. While working towards pre-feasibility, the company has metallurgical studies advancing on a number of levels, benefiting not only Ashram but the creation of supply chains independent of China. The deposit’s carbonatite-hosted mineralization and relatively simple monazite, bastnasite and xenotime mineralogy complement conventional rare earths processing. Metallurgy has also upgraded Ashram’s fluorspar content to higher-priced acidspar.

Ashram also features a strong presence of high-demand magnet feed elements neodymium, praseodymium, dysprosium and terbium. Work is underway to upgrade the 2012 resource that used a 1.25% cutoff to show:

-- measured and indicated: 29.27 million tonnes averaging 1.9% total rare earth oxides and 2.94% fluorine
-- inferred: 219.8 million tonnes averaging 1.88% TREO and 2.21% F

The deposit starts at surface.

Looking at other critical minerals, Commerce also holds the advanced-stage Blue River tantalum-niobium deposit in southern British Columbia.

Read more about Commerce Resources.

Core Assets Corp CSE:CC

Eight companies offer eight opportunities at one online event
Historic results, more recent sampling and a greater understanding of regional geology prompted Core Assets’ major land expansion in B.C.
Determined to become a major explorer in northwestern British Columbia’s Golden Triangle, Core Assets Corp CSE:CC started trading in July, then began September with a nine-fold property expansion. The inspiration for boosting its Blue and Silver Lime holdings to 14,815 hectares comes from continual advancements in the understanding of porphyry, skarn and carbonate replacement-type deposits globally and in the Triangle itself.

The new ground covers the Llewelyn fault zone, which the company believes to be the main transport corridor for high-grade metals found on the property at surface. An historic, non-43-101 drill hole at Blue reached 0.27% copper over 173.2 metres. Grab samples from 2018 graded up to 1.57 g/t gold, 46.5 g/t silver and 8.46% copper.

The 2018 grab samples from never-drilled Silver Lime included 1.16 g/t gold, 913 g/t silver, 12.45% zinc and 20% lead. Core’s regionally experienced team plans a regional magnetic survey over the property.

Watch an interview with the Core Assets team. 

Dimension Five Technologies CSE:DFT

Creating high-value products, even energy, from waste materials is the goal of Aduro Energy, now subject of an LOI for a reverse takeover by Dimension Five Technologies CSE:DFT. Founded in 2012, Ontario-based Aduro has developed a smart chemistry approach using three water-based technologies to transform diverse feedstocks that include renewable oils as well as waste plastics, foams and rubber. The result can be new plastics, foams, hydrocarbon fuels or specialty chemicals.

Aduro has its three areas of technology—trademarked as Hydrochemolytic Plastics Upgrading, Hydrochemolytic Renewables Upgrading and Hydrochemolytic Bitumen Upgrading—now undergoing demonstration and commercialization stages.

Learn more about Aduro Energy. 

Emerita Resources TSXV:EMO

Eight companies offer eight opportunities at one online event
Despite extensive previous mining, Aznalcollar hosts an impressive historic base metals estimate.
Most of Spain’s bullion came from the New World but Emerita Resources TSXV:EMO believes there’s untapped gold-silver potential on its Paymogo polymetallic project. Located amid former and current operations in southern Spain’s Iberian Pyrite Belt, Paymogo’s Romanera deposit hosts an historic, non-43-101 estimate of 34 million tonnes averaging 0.42% copper, 2.2% lead, 2.3% zinc, 44.4 g/t silver and 0.8 g/t gold.

Eight kilometres away, Paymogo’s Infanta area has historic, non-43-101 reports of high-grade copper-lead-zinc-silver intervals. While preparing an exploration permit application, Emerita is compiling data from 51 holes at Romanera and 48 at Infanta for a digital database to guide another round of drilling.

The company also awaits a court decision regarding a disputed tender for the Aznalcollar zinc-lead past-producer on the same Iberian belt. In May Emerita signed a binding letter agreement to earn a 55% interest in the Sierra Alta gold property in northern Spain. Company assets also include a 50% JV interest in the Plaza Norte zinc project near Spain’s northern coast.

Read more about Emerita Resources. 

Saville Resources TSXV:SRE

Eight companies offer eight opportunities at one online event
Saville outperformed historic intercepts with its Phase I drill program on the Niobium Claim Group in Quebec.
Two kilometres from Commerce Resources’ Ashram RE-fluorspar deposit, another company explores for other critical minerals—niobium and tantalum. Working on a 75% earn-in from CommerceSaville Resources TSXV:SRE has also found fluorspar potential on the early-stage Niobium Claim Group.

Saville sunk five holes last year in a promising Phase I campaign on the property’s Mallard prospect. Along with historic results, three drill programs total 14 holes and 3,537 metres on Mallard. Each program surpassed its predecessor for grades and widths while expanding three zones of mineralization that remain open in all directions. Encouraging historic drill results have also come from the project’s Northwest and Star Trench prospects. Yet to be drilled are other high-priority areas, especially Miranna where high-grade boulder samples have reached an exceptional 5.93% Nb2O5.

The property’s host rock predominates in pyrochlore-group minerals and/or ferrocolumbite, amenable to familiar processing methods as the world’s main source of niobium supply. 

Zinc8 Energy Solutions CSE:ZAIR

Intermittent green electricity, grid backup and off-grid supply call for long-term electrical storage. Zinc8 Energy Solutions CSE:ZAIR has made inroads into New York by offering a low-cost, reliable approach.

The company’s system stores electricity in zinc particles, avoiding expensive battery minerals like lithium, vanadium and cobalt. When the storage system provides electricity, zinc particles combine with oxygen. When the system recharges, the zinc particles are regenerated and oxygen is returned.

Storage can be scaled from 20 kW to megawatts, making Zinc8’s system suitable for microgrids and utilities. The latter have already shown interest. 

In January the New York Power Authority, America’s largest public power organization, selected the Zinc8 system out of more than 60 contenders for a commercial or industrial demonstration facility. Two months later Digital Energy Corp chose Zinc8 to install a 100 kW/1.5 MWh storage system at a combined heat and power (CHP) plant in Brooklyn. Buoyed by New York interest, Zinc8 has since created a U.S. subsidiary.

Read an op-ed by Zinc8 president/CEO Ron MacDonald.


Disclaimer: The author, Stephan Bogner, is being paid by Zimtu Capital Corp. for the preparation and distribution of this announcement, whereas Zimtu Capital Corp. holds a long position in all of the mentioned companies presenting at the online meeting, whereas the author also holds equity in Commerce Resources, Saville Resources, Dimension Five Technologies, Zinc8 Energy Solutions, Core Assets, and Zimtu Capital. 


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Name: Zimtu Capital Corp.
Canada Symbol: ZC
Germany Symbol / WKN: ZCT1 / A0RDR9
Shares Issued & Outstanding: 16,106,483
Phone: +1 604 681 1568

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